The department is responsible for policy formulation and analysis, socio-economic research, development and coordination of strategies for programmes and project implementation in the ministry by working in close collaboration with the other departments in the Ministry. Apart from its statutory roles in planning programmes, projects and activities, it is expected to collate and analyze various statistical information across relevant MDA’s, with the aim of providing necessary inputs for the formulation of sound policies and strategic decision for the Ministry. It has three units as the name implies. These are planning, Research & Statistics
Functions of the Department
Evaluation, Monitoring and coordination of all International Organizations such as World Bank Assisted projects in the Ministry.
Serve as the database through management of the Ministry’s records and information Resources (Data Bank Computer and internet Services), website and Geographical Information System (GIS).
Conducting investigative Survey and preparation of progress reports.
Liaising with relevant bodies outside the Ministry i.e. Federal Government institutions, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF) and Ondo State Agency for the Control of Aids (ODSACA).
Collection, collation and analysis of all environmental data to formulate sound policies and strategic decisions for the Ministry.
Collation and rendition of the Ministry’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) to the appropriate government coffers.
Preparation of Environmental Development Plan, Budgets, and State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (SEEDS) documents e.t.c.
Conducting Studies to aid micro-economic planning.
Facilitating environmental education, sensitization and enlightenment programmes.
Secretariat to the National Council on Environment (NCE), State Council on Environment (SCE), Trade Fairs, World Environmental Day and other environmental related programmes or commemoration relating to the environment.
Review of policies, plans, laws, programmes and development initiatives of the Ministry
Relating with NGOs on environmental issues.
Advocacy and International Education Communication (IEC) materials design and production etc.
Evaluation, monitoring and coordination of all World Bank Assisted projects in the Ministry
Collection, collation and processing of environmental data in all segments to build a formidable data bank for environmental planning.